Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Who's your girl?

It's a well known fact that I'm a bit of a Joyce Meyer fan...stalker. Whatever.  LOL

You see, I grew up in a home where religious faith was not practiced or cultivated. Neither parent had been raised in a church with the exception of my dad attending Sunday School when he was very young. It wasn't necessarily a traumatic experience for him, I suppose, but he was not led to raise his children with any faith.
In my mid twenties, I felt the first stirring in my heart that there was something more and I launched into discovery mode, eventually landing in an RCIA class and becoming a confessed Roman Catholic at a candlelight Easter vigil. Cloaked in a white dress and being baptized with a tiny sign of the cross on my forehead by my Priest who had a thick Irish brogue, I remember feeling as though I belonged. I attended mass regularly, I watched EWTN and Mother Angelica faithfully and our children attended catholic school. We were a Catholic family.
Then we moved to California and the nearest Catholic church wasn't down the street. Instead, it was located in the next valley and because our children were now heavily involved in weekend sports that included travel, our lifestyle began to encompass many activities but nothing close to weekly mass.
A couple of military relocations later (and a couple of churches later), we landed at our current church where I eventually became a staff member.
But in between the moves and the lack of church homes, I found Joyce while channel surfing. She became my link to Christ and to His word. I immediately "connected" with her.

Women have an innate desire to connect with other women. Now, that is definitely not a need that I thought I had at all until recently! But when you immerse yourself into a bible study written by a woman for women, then you start to really understand the importance of finding a female author/speaker/pastor that you connect with. They understand things about you that their male counterpart doesn't. No, ladies, I am not suggesting you flee from your male led church....love them, too!....I'm just suggesting that the discovery of a mature, Christ-centered woman can inspire and encourage you in a very tangible and different way. Here are some of my favorites....

  • Joyce Meyer
  • Beth Moore
  • Taffi Dollar
  • Lysa TerKeust
  • Priscilla Shirer

Who have you found that inspired you? Who's your go-to girl when you need it?
Leave a comment.....we'd love to know!

Be blessed!


  1. Definitely Beth Moore, but I love Joyce Meyer and Donna Partow also.
    Thanks for the post, Ame!

  2. Ann Voskamp is my girl ALL DAY LONG!

    Her book, One Thousand Gifts, has inspired me deeply and her blog, "The Holy Experience" is where I go to be refreshed! God speaks through her and straight to my heart. She totally rocks!

  3. I'm not familiar with Donna Partow~ I'll check her out! Ann Voskamp is amazing and there's an app for One Thousand Gifts which I love!!

  4. Love Beth and Joyce and now looking into Ann and Donna:-) Just got Beth Moore's book on tape "So Long Insecurity" and keeping hitting replay on all the chapters, lol! Hugs Ladies!
