Saturday, December 10, 2011

..and here is Debbie!

I just am so blessed to introduce myself to you all reading this blog. My friend Amy has been such great spiritual support to me the last year of my life and I am so grateful she was moved to invite me to join. I'm very happy to say that I am now a happy wife of 25 that's not saying I've been happily married for all of them but now through God's grace, I am! I have two wonderful grown children, a daughter who is 22 and will be graduating from college this May. My son is 18 and will graduating high school and moving on to college. I was so fortunate to be a stay-at-home mom for 10 years and work at their grade school, first as an teacher's aide, then inspired I returned to college and became a teacher there myself. So many changes and challenges in life...we all have them! I look so forward to expressing how God has revealed the truths of my life's struggle to me recently and how I now see things through new eyes, through "HIS eyes" at long last! Nothing is impossible with God...I'm living proof!
Be Blessed not stressed my friends! : )


  1. Awesome! So glad you're here!!

  2. You go, girl! Can you here me woo-hooing from here? Cuz I total am. :D
