Friday, December 9, 2011

Out with the Mean Girls!

While in elementary school, my daughter used to love slumber parties. They did, however, produce quite a bit of anxiety for her mom because it seemed that every birthday, despite my most carefully planned activities and detailed food menu with every request granted, one little guest was always the unlucky recipient of exclusion. No rhyme or reason ~ just the random cruelty of little girls. It would begin with subtle elimination from the secrets, games and team selections and, if not quickly recognized and tended to, could escalate into full blown disaster.   

Little girls can be…well, mean.

Teenage girls can be…well, awful.

The unfortunate reality to that truth is that little girls don’t always grow up. Women can be other women’s toughest opponents.

We’ve all been there, haven’t we?  Somehow drawing the short stick and not having any idea when the tides changed.

I propose this. It doesn’t have to be that way! We can actually align, support and include each other. Dare I actually suggest we might feel better about ourselves at the same time? Women chasing the heart of Jesus might need a reality check on this particular subject. Is there a woman at your office that could really use your authentic kindness, despite the fact that you don’t quite “get” her personality? Do you really need to roll your eyes (yeah, I mean even when no one sees it!) when the woman at the gym wears slightly inappropriate attire meant to draw attention? What about the lady next door who insists on dropping dog poop in your yard? Okay, okay....I'm working on it! (Honestly)

You see my point? Be an influence of good. Be an influence of grace.

Galatians 5:13  For you were called to freedom, brothers. Only do not use your freedom as an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve one another.
Ephesians 4:2 with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love
So, let's start here. One tiny step right here on this little blog. Women encouraging one another, praying for one another, laughing with each other and learning...always learning. Learning how to be more Christ-like and always chasing after the heart of Jesus.

On your mark....get set.....GO!!
Be blessed.


  1. I love it and I am so guilty of this lately! My Co-Dependent side says Let Go, do not be a doormat, my other side says " Love them where they are at", is it okay not to like them and their personalities? I do believe so. Hugs Ladies!

  2. How appropriate for the week I've had! For last year I've had to tolerate the whispers of others at work...some collages but mostly dealing with my parent volunteers. I've really tried to keep my mouth shut and rise above but it happened....I finally snapped under the pressure and went off on parent who was questioning my authority. I seriously had to walk away and just pray.I prayed so hard for God to give me the words to deal with this person....then the person knocked on my office door, I took a deep breath and sat silently as they ripped me apart. I amazingly was able to calmly apologize for loosing my temper and that I was a Christian woman I do not believe in gossip and have just have had enough of it. This person is at the head of group that have been gossiping about me, it's just been awful....but I stepped up and apologized for not being professional enough and managed to make amends...atleast in my eyes. I know that some people will never change and that it is there insecurity and lack of faith that causes them to gossip and tear down others. I can not control that but only my own tongue and give it to God!

  3. Great idea! xoxoxoxo
