Thursday, December 8, 2011

I'm On-Board!

I was in Columbia, SC yesterday when I read the message from my friend Amy that set this blog in motion. Either all 5 of us are leading seriously empty lives or God was the one driving the bus because, within a few hours, we'd all agreed to participate. That's how it is when God's in charge; everything just comes together, and then we're amazed at how easy it was. Don't you wonder if God ever says, "Well, Duhhh?!" Anyway...Kudos to Amy for being sensitive to the Holy Spirit's leading and then having the guts to act on His direction. I know she, like the rest of us, doesn't lack for things to keep her busy. Some things, though, are just worth taking the time to do. Each of the five of us will bring something unique to the blog, but we share the fact that we're all seeking to have God's love like He loves, serve like He serves, to be wounded by the same things that hurt Him, and to encourage other women along the way.

Though there's nothing unremarkable about God, my journey with Him started rather unremarkably about 35 years ago. After all that time, it still humbles me to think that I have something valuable to offer Him and you. At best, I'm ordinary. Married for 22 years and mom to a 20 year-old and 16 year-old, I feel blessed just to find my car keys in the morning! I'm annoyingly introspective though and, through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, God has taught me amazing truths about Himself and His favorite creation (that would be us!). I'm really honored to be able to share some of these things with you here, but I'm just as excited about reading what Amy, Debbie, Dawn, and Peggy write. We'll all be going through the growth process together, being molded and shaped into more of His likeness. There's already a whole lotta prayer going on about what gets posted here, but I can promise you this: It's gonna be fun!


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