Thursday, December 29, 2011


Are you a believer of New Years Resolutions?
It does seem like a logical time to assess where you are, where you'd like to be, how you'd like to get there, etc. but did you know that most reports indicate that we fail at these annual resolutions roughly 85% of the time? On top of that, we tend to fail by the end of January!
WHAT?? You mean I'm not going to lose that weight or read the bible more or attend church regularly or not snap at my kids or get out of debt?
Well, I personally want you to be in the 15% who succeed at whatever it is you resolve for 2012. But, you don't have to wait until Sunday to make a change. If you want a change, get started today. There is absolutely no time like the present and we aren't promised tomorrow, anyway!  I've read some valuable articles on how to achieve changes in your life..whether you begin today, Sunday, or next month. Let me know how you're doing 2 weeks from today, one month from today and even 3 months from now.

  • Work on only one major goal at a time
  • Get an accountability partner or group
  • Celebrate milestones
  • Write it down and look at it daily
  • Commit for 1 month...that's how long it takes to establish a new habit
  • Keep a journal
  • If you slip up, start over. 
  • Constantly lean in to God for support and encouragement. He is our greatest source of inspiration!
You can do whatever it is that you set your mind to ~ be blessed and make it happen!


  1. Love it...thanks! And Happy New Year, friend!

  2. I don't believe in resolutions. Never really have - because I think we should be working on growing daily - not just because it's a new year. I understand that a new year is a nice starting point, but I believe it sets us up for failure. Why do I think I can alter my behavior that dramatically just because the calendar changed? :P

    I should be looking in the mirror daily, allowing God to expose things that need to be transformed and submitting to the work plan He lays out for my personal transformation.

    Resolutions are about changing through our own power. If I will it, then it will happen.... and we have the statistics to prove that doesn't work. God's way is easier - all I have to do is make the choice, then follow Him no matter what and His power will do the rest.

    God's way takes longer, but it's lasting - you'll turn around in five years and go, "Wow - when did that happen?"

  3. I agree with you Joy...although every year I do kick off my diet in January but it just because I've pigged out so much over the holidays! LOL
