Tuesday, January 10, 2012

I'm Interested if YOU are

This is for the girls who are married or want to be. Can we talk football?
If your man loves football (and I realize there are many who couldn't care less about it), then I hope you watched some NFL playoffs and the BCS Championship over the last few days. Why? Well, for one thing....your husband likes it when you take an interest in things he enjoys!

Imagine the day you take your husband/boyfriend to the mall and instead of finding a massage chair in the middle of the mall to park his fanny in or instead of groaning every time you head to the dressing room, he actually cheered you on to a wardrobe touchdown! Let's imagine him smiling instead of grimacing when you literally jump up and down, squealing in delight about the 50% off sale going on at Macy's. What if he actually dragged you to the shoe department and bought those sky high heels you've had your eye on for months...just because?
Admit it. We like it when he cares about what we care about. In all honesty, he could feign interest but if he did it with a good attitude, we'd appreciate the effort.

Some of us have gotten a little lazy.

Instead of seeing his interests as an opportunity for inclusion, we complain. Maybe it's not football....maybe it's some other hobby he has that you despise. Maybe (oh, how I detest this word....) we have nagged him about his hobby. Guilty as charged. It just so happens I LOVE football but I resent the time my husband spends in the gym and I let him know it. Often.

Ladies, we don't have to be joined at the hip with our guy every moment of the day but maybe we should reconsider if we're pushing away the people we love most.

Get in the game! Surprise him by caring about what he cares about~ there's no greater gift!

Be blessed,


  1. You are so right, Amy! I happen to love sports, but there are other things that interest Randy that I need to get a little more excited and a lot less resentful about.

  2. Love this post! And it so true. I love to watch football with my man! I love to be on the sofa next to him and scream louder than he does when a play is called wrong! Or jump up and down and literally pee my pants when our team makes an amazing play at just the right time... and then we high five! Just a couple days ago, as we watched Tebow play, I looked at him and asked, "Do you like that I like to watch football with you?" And he gave me a BIG sincere grin and said "Yes I do." He will even choose to watch it at home with me over watching somewhere else with the boys! THAT is a gift... and I am thankful for it and treasure it. Very, very, very important words! THANK YOU!!!!

  3. I too LOVE football but it's true, men love it when we just share time with them even if it's just sitting in the same room watching "how it's made". Over the years I stopped wanting to hang out with him and we drifted apart. I would watch one Tv and him another and I became resentful he didn't care about the things I did and vice versa! It's all about LOVE & RESPECT ladies. If ya need more info about marriage a good read is the book by Dr. Emerson Eggerichs "Love & Respect: The Love she most desires and The Respect he desperately needs" It opened up my eyes for sure!
