Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Miracle Grow

I guess you could say I've never had a "green thumb". I've never been able to a keep plants alive in my home. I'm sad to say I even killed a cactus, now that's  pretty bad. I really had a hard time remembering to water them until it was too late. I was always just too busy with my life to slow down and care for them. I'd see them and think, I need to water that plant soon but I never took the time to do it. I knew what I was suppose to do but yet never did it. So yet another plant would bite the dust and be tossed into the garbage can, lifeless and hard as a rock.

So I gave up on being a plant person, that is until I inherited my mother's plants when she passed away. My mother was an avid plant person and gardener. She would sit for hours in the yard pulling weeds and pruning plants, getting dirty, stiff and tired. I could never understand how she could waste so much time on something that seemed to me to be so difficult. But she preserved and had beautiful plants and I just thought I didn't inherent the plant gene. But now, I have learned that it takes work, we must tend to the weeds as to not choke out the plant, prune off the dead and dying parts that weigh it down and that stop new growth, water and feed and provide abundant sunlight and protection from the cold weather. I've learned through taking care of these plants is how I should live my life as a Christian woman.

Such is life. As I now tend to my mother's plants, I pray, I talk to her for guidance and I've come to understand the importance of of being thorough and following instructions to have beautiful blooming plants as well as a beautiful abundant life in Christ. Just as plants have instructions for care, so do we and it's the Word of God. It's all there! Every doubt, every problem we could ever face and every question of why can all be answered in God's word. Like the importance of pulling weeds in a plant, we must pull the weeds in our life so that we may bloom into the beautiful person God intends us to be. But we MUST DO THE WORK! Not just sometimes sprinkle ourselves from our instruction book of God's word but everyday feed ourselves. To totally surrender every aspect of lives to God, so the weeds of the enemy can not creep in and choke our growth. But we are human and we sometimes do fail and the weeds do come but we must quickly pull them and know that God will ALWAYS forgive us and nourish us for he gave us His Son Jesus Christ so that we may always know Him. How awesome is that? 

I'm happy to say that all my mother's plants are thriving and taking care of them has blessed me in so many ways. As well as inheriting the plants I have my mother's tools and box of Miracle Grow but even better then that I have her bible which in essence is our "Miracle Grow"...our instruction book  on how to live a happy, joyous and abundant life in Christ! 

Thank you Mom for planting the seeds in me...I'm finally doing what it takes to bloom! 

Peace, Deb

For He shall grow up before Him as a tender plant, and as 
a root out of dry ground ~ Isaiah 53:2


  1. I could have written this exact same post. I mean seriously I was just like this. I could never keep plants alive. But 4 years ago when my mother was diagnosed with lung cancer I went to stay with her to help her and together we repotted a rubber plant. I still have that plant to this day and it is HUGE! I learned that I needed to bring it in during the winter months & water it during the summer. It is SO very important to me b/c it is a living reminder of her. I like your comparison of us as women to plants b/c you're right, we constantly need "pruning". There are always going to be things coming into our lives that we don't need and we have to always be on a vigilant watch for those weeds & make sure to pluck them out before they're able to take root & choke out the good things we have in our lives. Great post!

  2. Aw, Deb, LOVE this post. Just beautiful.

  3. Great post, Deb. Reminded me of the song "Beautiful Things". He does make beautiful things out of dust and out of us!

  4. Thanks ladies...it was truly a blessed day!

  5. What an awesome way to look at it. The Word as Miracle Grow... No truer words. Thank you Debbie!
